We all know that South Africa’s roads are a slight danger zone. Each day we are faced with numerous car accident reports on the radio and speed cameras/road cops checking on our driving speed from behind the bushes. Queuing for license disks is a major hassle and we also know the fear of driving into one of the many roadblocks. The cherry on top is navigating our way through, around, or past treacherous potholes
Road Shield assists you with the process to follow when claiming from the Road Accident Fund (RAF), disputing any fines that may have been issued to you as a registered driver as well as assistance when having to renew or enquire about licensing matters.
Most people don’t even know where to start, but we make sure you won’t have to deal with long queues or admin nightmares in dealing with Road Authorities and we’ll take care of everything that is necessary to get a quick and full settlement.
You receive 100% of all payouts from the Road Authorities with no additional costs to you.
Our expert team provide full legal and administrative support and representation.
All road users have to renew their licenses regularly. However, there is no proactive renewal notification and the processes are extremely frustrating and time consuming. License Shield will work with you to firstly notify you of license renewals, and then provide a quick, easy and painless channel to get these licenses renewed, with the added benefit of delivering licenses to you.
Our traffic law enforcers are a hard-working bunch and the proof is that we receive, on average, a traffic fine every 2 months! We know we’re not supposed to speed or break the traffic laws, but every now and then it happens. To ensure that you’re never in trouble at a roadblock, Fines Protect was established to provide a unique service that alerts you to any new traffic fines and provides an easy painless facility to settle these, at a guaranteed reduced rate!
Every day South Africans become victims of car accidents on our dangerous roads, sustaining injuries and suffering loss as a result. The Road Accident Fund (RAF) was introduced to provide compensation to these accident victims, but the process is an administrative nightmare, requiring significant time, effort and paperwork! Accident Shield provides immediate access to an effective RAF claims management system, with 100% of the recovery paid back to you and your family.
Every day South Africans become victims of car accidents on our dangerous roads, sustaining injuries and suffering loss as a result. The Road Accident Fund (RAF) was introduced to provide compensation to these accident victims, but the process is an administrative nightmare, requiring significant time, effort and paperwork! Accident Shield provides immediate access to an effective RAF claims management system, with 100% of the recovery paid back to you and your family.
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