The sudden onset of mass-home working situations as well as ease of access to information is creating new opportunities for internet and day-to-day fraudsters. Identity Safe guard’s against identity theft, protecting your personal and financial details for greater security and peace of mind.
Protecting our identity is more important than ever, with the number of reported data breaches and cyber-attacks growing dramatically each year. In 2019 there were over 15 billion records breached, representing a year-on-year increase of more than 280%.
Identity Safe is a telephonic support advice line offering preventative and remedial measures when identity fraud, loss or theft is experienced.
The Identity Safe support line primarily assists with victims of identity fraud by preventing any identity information or document being used illegally. Professional consultants will put members in touch with relevant institutions or companies to block or stop cards or contracts. In addition, the service facilitates the replacement of ID and related documentation.